Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Book 'im, Danno

The Southeast Louisiana Criminal Justice Recovery Task Force has been looking into ways the law enforcement community of SE Louisiana can more effectively work together and has proposed the following:

* One crime lab for the region.
* One “world-class� police academy/training facility for the region.
* A violent crime intelligence system for real-time information sharing
Not only are these proposals more efficient in terms of resources but also in terms of communication. During the aftermath of Hurrican Katrina, all the different jurisdictions were unable to communicate hampering rescue and evacuation efforts. This consolidation will help alleviate competition among jurisdictions as well as foster an atmosphere of cooperation that is much needed, as many criminals will travel from one parish to another and one city to another. Just like J. Edgar Hoover created the FBI to track down gangsters who were avoiding arrest by criss-crossing multiple states and staying one step ahead of the law, we need that on a smaller scale.

Via The Advocate

UPDATE: More thoughts here.

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