Tuesday, December 27, 2005


ThermaSAVE has developed a product and construction method to build what it claims to be disaster-proof. Its houses may be resistant to termites, Category 5 hurricane winds and earthquakes but can it keep out flood waters? I have my doubts.

If Mr.
Haddock is correct and a turnkey house can be built for $25,000 in about a week, these dwellings may have a future in New Orleans but first I have few questions:

1. Do the Category 5 hurricane wind resistance apply to the entire assembly or just the components? Strong walls are no good if the corners come apart.

2. Does the $25,000 estimate include the foundation and does it take into consideration New Orleans notoriously weak soils?

3. Can the design of the units accomodate New Orleans unique vernacular style of architecture?

4. Will
ThermaSAVE allow for different designers to be involved in the building process in order to avoid the cookie-cutter effect of other planned communities and shunned by so many New Orleans residents?

5. Do
ThermaSAVE panels accomodate future improvements in electrical wiring imbedded in insulated walls?

6. Is their product suited to resist moisture-intrusion as a result of being in a hot-humid climate?

I think architects and builders might want to take a look at this product to better determine if it is suited to our environment.

1 comment:

St. Casserole said...

A thermasave house is being built in Gulfport. Come see it. Rather remarkable.